Henry Tubman

Kenelum Truman Greenfield his Admin. bond in common form by Margaret Greenfield his admx. with Henry Greenfield Sothoron & Henry Tubman his sureties in the sum of £4,000. (Test Proc 41:122, St. Mary’s Co., 1765.03.06, Recorded 1765.06.08)

Samuel Sothoron elected vestryman vice Henry Tubman. Building of a new church approved, Henry Sothoron to be treasurer for the project.Testamentary Proceedings, 1766-1768. (MD Hist Mag 31:23, All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1767.05.17)

Return from St. Mary's Co. John Chesley his will & Testy. Bond by Elizabeth Chesley his executrix with Henry Tubman & Henry Greenfield Sothoron his sureties in the sum of £2,000. (Test Proc 42:399, Charles Co., 1767.12.24, Recorded 1768.04.27)

Henry Tubman elected vestryman in place of Richard Sothoron. Henry Greenfield Sothoron appointed a church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:31, All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1776.04.22)

A full representation of the Pay Roll of 6th Batallion of Militia, 1776. Noted to be from the original, in Box 6, Folder 1 at MdHR. Militia is stated to be in camp at St. George's. Those listed of note:

    Entered   Discharged   Number of Days
  Capt. Henry G. Sothoron Absent        
  William Kilgour, 2d LT. July 16, 1776   July 26, 1776   11, of which acted as Capt.
  Henry Tubman, 1 LT July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5, as Captain
  John Johnson Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  Samuel Southoron, of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7
  Richard Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 21, 1776   5
  John Sothoron of Saml July 17, 1776   July 23, 1776   7

(Maryland & Delaware Genealogist {No. 1, 1966} 7:13, St. Mary’s Co., 1776.07)

The existing vestry was totally replaced by Henry Tubman, Henry G. Sothoron, Thomas Forrest, George Burroughs, Thomas A. Reeder & John Cartwright. It is not clear whether the old vestry resigned or was voted out. The entire new vestry took the oath of allegiance to the new State. (MD Hist Mag 31:31, All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1777.06.01)

Henry Tubman & John Johnson Sothoron replaced in vestry by J. Hooper Brome & Jonathan Edwards. Levin Sothoron chosen as a church warden. (MD Hist Mag 31:32, All Faith Parish, St. Mary’s Co., 1784.04.12)

In the case of Henry Tubman vs. Edward Anderson, as to the sale of some real estate, Henry Greenfield Sothoron testified he had often seen Anderson's writing when he was in a store in Benedict, and perhaps letters, and he believes exhibited signatures to be those of Anderson (Chancery Rec 34#1:13, 1792.08.25, Recorded 1795.02)

Inventory of Henry Greenfield Sothoron. Includes 75 slaves, books, silver plate (13 lbs. 15 ½ oz. - not valued). Total value £3,974.30.6. Additional monies £17.5.0. Appraisers Henry Tubman, Wm. Kilgour. (Inv JJ:107, St. Mary’s Co., 1795.11)

Will of Henry Tubman. Granddaughter: Mary Tubman, a negro girl named Sall. Granddaughter: Elizabeth Tubman, a negro girl named Cloe. Daughter: Dorothy Barber Hawkins, my land in St. Mary's Co. called "Indian Creek with Addition" (on the main branch of Indian Creek and near the main road), 64 acres; lots #12 and #13 in Calverton Manor in Charles Co. (except the low lying land on the north side of Indian Creek from my plantation to Benedict Town and except 25 acres of surplus or vacancy which I have sold to Walter Burch but have not conveyed and is to be conveyed by my Executors when he pays 20 shillings per acre with interest from October 18, 1781 and not otherwise); a lot in Calverton Manor, Charles Co., which I purchased from the State of Maryland which was purchased from the Commissioners of Confiscated Property by Joseph Burroughs containing 138 acres (except 17 1/4 acres which I have sold to Mr. Canter who has fully paid me and for which my Executors are to convey this property as soon as he gets a conveyance from the State of Maryland for his right and title of the same 17 1/4 acres and except the 20 acres I sold to Walter Burch for which he has not paid any part. Upon him paying my Executors at the rate of three dollars per acre with interest from the first day of March last and when he gets a conveyance from the State of Maryland); a negro man named Pompey; a negro man named Ben; a negro man named Will; a negro man named Jacob; a negro woman named Luce; a negro woman named Sylvia; and negro boys and gals named Tom, Jerry, Hanson, Glasgow, Daniel, Alice, Ned, Patt, Silvy, Maria, Sarah and Ann; one good bed and furniture complete; six tablespoons unmarked; half of all of my stock of horses, cattle, hogs, and sheep; and half of all of my corn, wheat and rye.

- To: A black man called Doctor Ned, should he live with me at the time of my death, a suit of comfortable clothes to be paid him by my Executor. My Executor is to liberate a negro woman named Maria, wife of Doctor Ned. Son: Henry Tubman, all residue of my lands and personal estate. Exec: Son, Henry, Wit: George Phippard Greenfield, Enoch Medley, Charles Smith Smoot. (Reno* {Wills}, St. Mary’s Co., 1796.08.02, Proved 1797.08.31)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. Henry Sothoron & Dorothy Barber Sothoron his wife of Charles Co. sell to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $400 a parcel of land for a mill seat, lying on a stream dividing Charles & St. Mary's Counties, part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co., and part of tract in St. Mary’s Co. called Indian Creek (previously owned by Henry Tubman dec'd). Starts at intersection of noted stream with main road from Cooksey's hill toward Benedict, abuts noted road. 31¼ acres. Witness: oh Lowry, Edward Meed. (Land Rec IB#7:134, Charles Co., 1806.03.03, Recorded 1806.08.12)

Henry Sothoron & Dorothy B. Sothoron of Charles Co. deed to John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. for $400, parcel of land for a mill seat lying on a run dividing Charles & St. Mary's Counties. Is part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co., part of Indian Creek in St. Mary’s Co., the latter late the property of Henry Tubman dec'd. 31 ¾ acres. (Land Rec Abstracts TH#25{StM#1}:518, St. Mary’s Co., 1806.03.03, Recorded 1806.08.26)

Deed recorded at request of buyer. John Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co. sells to Henry Sothoron of Charles Co. for $400 a parcel of land for a mill seat, lying on a stream dividing Charles & St. Mary's Counties, part of Calverton Manor in Charles Co., and part of tract in St. Mary’s Co. called Indian Creek (previously owned by Henry Tubman). Starts at intersection of main road from Cooksey's hill toward Benedict with noted stream. Abuts noted road. 311 acres. Witness: John Lowry, Edward Meed. (Land Rec IB#7:136, Charles Co., 1806.03.04, Recorded 1806.08.12)

John Sothoron deeds to Henry Sothoron for $400 the same lands in above reference. (Land Rec Abstracts TH#25{StM#1}:518, St. Mary’s Co., 1806.03.04, Recorded 1806.08.26)

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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.